AI Health Adventures: Molecules, Metrics and a side of Coffee

AI Health Adventures: Molecules, Metrics and a side of Coffee

Shaking things up, gang! I'm taking inspiration from Noah Kagan and Ali Abdaal newsletter styles to share updates from my world of AI health and data science.

๐ŸŽฏ Coding data science work poweRed by Gemini

Ali Abdaal is a big fan of zeroing in on one key learning, so here's mine: I've been diving headfirst into applying AI tools in my coding work. I've been putting this off for a while, though I have seen techfluencers (like Primagen) speak about similar tools like Github Copilot.

I recently took the plunge and went for the advanced Gemini models as a trial. They have a generous 2 month period, so why not?

I've been recently working on network analysis models for my AI health research. Think of it as mapping out the intricate relationships between molecules, diseases, and treatments. The best part? Gemini Advanced is whipping up code that actually works! In specific (for those programmers), I have got it to write R I/O functions, and brainstorm basic network graph statistics calculations.


A quick demo of my code generation with Gemini Advanced. It's like having a coding partner who never gets tired or complains about my coffee breath.

It does give a warning about debugging, making sure that a human checks through the code. I would recommend testing and not just copy pasting it. After all, we want to avoid another Crowdstrike event yea?

I did look up the ability to use Gemini within VsCode (which is my daily driver). It is confusing enough and comes under another product called 'Gemini Code Assist' which requires a GCP workspace and is paid separately. I would be all in if it were included in this same product but maybe they are different models (not explicitly mentioned by Google).

โœ๏ธ Personal Branding & Building My Tribe

If you're not familiar with Noah Kagan, he's the king of direct, no-BS writing. Here's my attempt at channeling his vibe:

LinkedIn: I've been focusing more energy on LinkedIn lately, and it seems to be paying off. The AI health community there is engaged and the professional connections feel more meaningful. I'm definitely looking forwards to meeting up with some of the people on here.

I really need to postm more regularly. But heck, that's not what I'm here for. I want to drive real value and post things that are actually useful for people.

Have some screenshots. Key improvements since the beginning of the year is a 20% growth in followers. To me, these are metrics but not the whole purpose. I just want to keep meeting cool people doing cool stuff.

Started sharing more personal experiences in my posts. It's a little scary, but seems to be resonating with people. Authenticity wins, right?

X (Twitter): While X is still great for real-time conversations and news, I'm finding LinkedIn to be a more effective platform for building a following in the AI health niche. To be honest, I haven't got much traction and probably not really finding a good groove with the short form and rapid fire format.

Video Thoughts: Still on the fence about creating video content. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Should I dive in?

๐Ÿงช On the Horizon: New Events & a Secret Project in the Works

Things are always brewing in my corner of the AI health universe:

Events: Stay tuned for some exciting events I'm cooking up! Think networking, knowledge sharing, and maybe even a virtual happy hour.

Secret Project: I've got a small project simmering on the back burner. It's all about bringing AI health insights to a wider audience in a super practical way. More on that soon... ๐Ÿคซ

โ˜• Fueling Your AI Health Journey with CoffeeWorks

Good news for all you coffee lovers out there (like me)! I'm excited to announce that I've partnered with CoffeeWorks ( to share my thoughts on their fantastic coffee brewers. I'll be posting reviews and insights on how the right brew can fuel your AI health research and work. Reach out to me for an exclusive discount code!

Let's Connect!

Curious to hear your thoughts on any of this. Drop a comment below, or let's chat on LinkedIn! (Or X/Twitter)

David Tang